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Do You Want to Transform Your Organization?

You know the fastest way to build your business? Build your people. They will build your business.
Leading with Impact: Communicate to Connect

I equip leaders to connect their head to their heart and execute emotional intelligence in their leadership. To me, emotional intelligence doesn’t just mean awareness; it means leveraging emotion to drive results.


My signature talk, "Leading with Impact: Communicate to Connect," focuses on the importance of leading with connection first.


Through personal stories and actionable insights, I demonstrate how prioritizing connection over competence can be a game-changer for today's leaders.


What You Can Expect


During my keynote speeches, audiences experience a dynamic blend of:


  • Engaging content that captivates attention

  • Powerful insights that provoke thought and action

  • Relatable stories that resonate on a personal level

  • Passionate delivery that energizes and inspires

  • Encouraging messages that boost morale and confidence

  • Empowering strategies that leaders can immediately apply


Participants often describe my sessions as a breath of fresh air, filled with new ideas and perspectives that they haven't encountered before.


The Investment in Leadership Training


Leadership training is an investment in your people. While there is a cost, consider the cost of not investing in your leaders. What could your organization achieve with a team that feels valued, connected, and empowered?


I'd love to learn more about your organization and explore opportunities to work together. Your people deserve the investment in their growth. Let's equip them to unlock the power of human connection.


Connect More, Lead Smarter


Now's your moment to customize your leadership. Not just to hit targets, but to set new standards for you and your team.

About Me


I believe in the raw, unbridled power of human connection. People are moved to action by emotion.


Successful leaders focus on impact. Leadership today is hard, but the answer lies in your people.


How I Can Help


I work with businesses by providing workshops, keynote speeches, and one-on-one coaching.


You can also grow your ability to inspire and engage through online courses, group coaching, tools, and a unique elite-level community of like-minded senior leaders obsessed with growth.


Proven Results


I’ve delivered results in corporate America and public education by increasing engagement and smashing revenue records.


My commitment is to eliminate the Sunday Scaries and create workplaces people are excited to go to on Monday morning.


Happy employees produce 13% more than unhappy employees, impacting our world by increasing people's sense of belonging and allowing them to bring their whole, authentic selves everywhere they go.


This isn’t just professional—it’s personal.


Ready to Transform Your Organization?


Let’s chat.

Your people are worth the investment.


Together, we can build a brighter future through the power of human connection.

Join The Connection Crew

Joe Grundle

"As a consultant, he lights a fire under his audience and will get your executives thinking about their own approaches to leadership in ways they never have before, the measurable wins/results they've gotten, or the customer experience you provide."
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